12V battery issues

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Post by londiniumperson »

Marcin wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:24 pm Witam wszystkich jestem nowy na forum Hondy E.Podzielę się swoim doświadczeniem.Niedawno miałem problem z baterią ,kupiłem nową i monitoring do niej,żeby zbadać co się dzieje.2 tygodnie było ok ,aż tu nagle dzisiaj alarm ,o 5 rano był spadek i coś bardzo rozładowywało mi baterię trwało to 3 godz.Ładowarka typ 2 była podłączona i automatycznie włączyła ladowanie bateri 12 v.Nastepnie po powrocie z pracy podłączyłem auto do ładowarki typ 2 i 5 godz naładowało 100 % .Było wszystko ok i tu nagle znowy coś się zadziało i zaczęło drenować akumlator 3 godz .Dostałem alarm na telefon ,że spadek pojemności bateri do 50 %.Dodam ,że auto stoi ciepłym w garażu .Dziwna sprawa ,może ma ktoś pomysł co to może być ?
We are yet to determine the exact cause of these 12v issues, though as you'll have seen in various threads on here there are several theories.

Please could you tell us the make/model of your battery monitor? Mine is very poor at showing me detailed information, thank you.
Last edited by londiniumperson on Sat Jan 13, 2024 11:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Marcin »

Moje ustalenia :kiedy auto się naładuje 100 % trzeba koniecznie odłączyć wtyczkę typ 2,bo jak zostawimy np. na całą noc w gnieździe typ 2 jak widać na wykresie po naładowaniu zaczyna ponownie się łączyć i rozłączyać i tak w kółko.To wtedy baterią 12 v się osłabia , kiedy trwa kilka godzin,może tego nie przeżyć.Wiem jeszcze ,że podczas ładowania auta typ 2 samochód ładuje też baterię 12. Jak będziemy ładowac prawie co dziennie i rozłączać typ 2 na czas to nie będzie nigdy problemu :) Honda E jest niesamowitą zabawką i mimo wymiany bateri po 3 latach jestem bardzo zadowolony.Ja preferuje wolne ladowanie 1.1 kw wiadomo nocne bo długo trwa ,ale wtedy zasięg zimowy pokazuje mi zawsze powyżej 200 km .Pozdrawiam Marcin
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Post by Marcin »

Monitor Ancel bm200
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Post by EEEE »

from google translate:
Hello everyone, I'm new to the Honda E forum. I'll share my experience. Recently I had a problem with the battery, I bought a new one and monitoring it to check what's going on. It was fine for 2 weeks, until suddenly today the alarm went off, at 5 a.m. there was a drop and something was draining my battery a lot, it lasted for 3 hours. The type 2 charger was connected and it automatically started charging the 12v battery. Then, after returning from work, I connected the car to the type 2 charger and it charged 100% in 5 hours. Everything was fine and suddenly something happened again. it worked and started draining the battery for 3 hours. I received an alarm on my phone that the battery capacity had dropped to 50%. I will add that the car is parked in a warm garage. It's a strange thing, maybe someone has an idea what it could be?


My findings: when the car is 100% charged, it is necessary to disconnect the type 2 plug, because if we leave it in the type 2 socket overnight, for example, as you can see in the chart, after charging, it starts to connect and disconnect again and so on. Then, with a 12 V battery it weakens when it lasts for several hours, it may not survive it. I also know that when charging the car type 2, the car also charges battery 12. If we charge almost every day and disconnect type 2 on time, there will never be a problem :) Honda E is an amazing toy and despite replacing the battery after 3 years, I am very satisfied. I prefer slow charging of 1.1 kW, of course at night because it lasts a long time, but then the winter range always shows me above 200 km. Regards, Marcin
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Post by EEEE »

Thanks for your post - I hope google translate hasn't missed anything out.

I too have monitored that when the HV charging is completed, there is a tiny draw every 2 hours thereafter, until the HV charger is disconnected. However, the draw/consumption is very small, and my larger 12v battery is in excellent health, so it is not a major concern for me, and I do not believe it is the cause of flat batteries (as my flat batteries have occurred when not plugged in).

Your graph is very interesting. The voltage drops are very large indeed and lasting for quite some time. This is great information to help us track down the fault.

I would say the first clue is in the alarm. I suspect that the microswitch in the door handle is the cause - causing the car to believe the door is being opened and then setting the alarm off. However, the voltage drop from the monitor suggests a significant draw. I'm not sure if the headlights go on when the alarm operates?

Any more details greatly appreciated.
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Post by londiniumperson »

Marcin wrote: Sat Jan 13, 2024 9:11 am Monitor Ancel bm200
Thank you, I've a SizzApp on another car which doesn't log historical data & I it use to check when the 12v battery needs a recharge as well as in case it is ever stolen.
On the Honda e a 'CTEK CTX Battery Sense' which graphs the voltage, SoC & temperature, but not as well as yours (I can also zoom in or out on these).
Where the SoC levels out at around 20%, this is where the car is left sitting unused and it has alaways shown a low SoC in the 3 years that I have owned the car. The Honda dealer told me that there was no issue with the 12v battery or the car.




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Post by Marcin »

Zastanawia mnie dlaczego spadki bateri 12v wystąpiły dokładnie o równych godzinach 5.00 rano i 15.00
To dziwny przypadek zaczynający się o równych godzinach :)
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Post by EEEE »

Marcin wrote: Sat Jan 13, 2024 3:03 pm Zastanawia mnie dlaczego spadki bateri 12v wystąpiły dokładnie o równych godzinach 5.00 rano i 15.00
To dziwny przypadek zaczynający się o równych godzinach :)
Dalej będę to obserwować i dzielić się z wami
I wonder why the 12v battery drops occurred at exactly the same times: 5:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
It's a strange coincidence starting at equal hours :)
I will continue to follow and share with you

Yes I noticed that as well - can you think of anything that happens at this time in your location? Do you have any charging schedules set in the car or on your mains charger? What happened at 8am?
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Post by Marcin »

Nic nie mam ustawione w tych godzinach ,auto w garażu stoi z dostępem do internetu wifi tylko.O godz 8.00 wyjechałem do pracy.O godzinie 10 wróciłem i podłączyłem ładowarkę.Ładowanie do 100 % 1kw ustawione na ładowarce zakończyło się około 15 .Złącze typ 2 ładowarki było cały czas w aucie O 18 godz. dostałem alarm o spadku bateri 12v poniżej 50 soc .Auto miało wtedy 100 % bateri i nie mogło ładować.Podłaczyłem zwykły prostownik 12 akumulatorowy.Po 3 godzinach bateria soc 100 % .Coś jak by zadziałało w stylu aktualizacji ,choć mam wyłączone automatyczne i zresztą jest jest wszystko aktualne .Od miesiąca mam monitoring i zdążyło się to 1 raz.Kiedy padła moja bateria to był taki sam przypadek.O 5 rano samochód włączył ładowanie i chciał ładować 12 ,niestety auto miało wtedy około 99% i nie zdążyło naładować wystarczająco 12v baterie ,bo nastąpiło wcześniejsze naładowanie Ev 100 % i ładowarka się wyłączyła.Auto garażowane zawsze tak samo ,nie jest zamykane .Dzisiaj to testuje i zobaczymy czy będzie tak samo
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Post by EEEE »

I don't have anything set up during these hours, the car is in the garage with only Wi-Fi internet access. At 8:00 I left for work. At 10:00 I came back and connected the charger. Charging to 100% of the 1kW set on the charger finished around 3:00 p.m. Type 2 connector The charger was in the car all the time. At 6 p.m. I received an alarm about the 12v battery dropping below 50 volts. The car then had 100% battery and could not charge. I connected a regular 12-battery rectifier. After 3 hours, the 12v battery was 100%. Something like an update would work, although I have automatic switched off and it still works. everything is up to date. I have had monitoring for a month and it happened once. When my battery died, it was the same case. At 5 a.m. the car turned on the charging and wanted to charge 12, unfortunately the car had about 99% at that time and did not have time to charge the 12v batteries sufficiently because Ev was charged to 100% earlier and the charger turned off. The car is always garaged in the same way, it is not locked. Today I am testing it and we will see if it will be the same
'21 e Advance - Charge Yellow - E1702RR alloys
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