When the door is closed, the window will not go all the way up. And the window motor tries to push it up every 2-5 seconds or so. I saw that the window did get a bit closer each time, but it didn’t stop trying the 10 seconds I bothered examine it. I just opened the window slightly which made it go away. Luckily I’m able to park in a private garage, but parking outside this won’t be a viable solution to the problem.
I also tried to “help” the window by using the controls to close the window, then it only kept “spazzing”, engaging/disengaging very fast.
Also very quickly tried to pull the window all the way down, release button, then press down for 5 seconds, then up again. The window still spazzed. Will troubleshoot and try some more tomorrow.
So if anyone have a solution, please let me know

I went out and tried the “easy” reset one more time.
As I parked the car with the window not fully up, I wasn’t able to get the window fully back up. I noticed that the window motor didn’t engage as it usually does when the window is closed and you try to close it more.
What I did:
From the driver side, I held down the passenger window button(not all the way down/auto), until window was on the bottom, kept holding it for 5 seconds, then up(not all the way up/auto) then hold for 5 sec. didn’t seem that this worked, so did it one more time, didn’t seem to work either. I didn’t exit the car to check, but I noticed the window motor didn’t engage when the window was on the top and trying to get it further up.
Then I went over to the passenger side, did the same, only for 10 seconds at the bottom and 10 at the top. Success! When going up the window went all the way up. Tried to pull the window down and up a couple of times and open/close the door and it works!
Edit2: hope this wasn’t too difficult to understand, if so, please let me know and I will try to rewrite it.